The Magical Entrepreneur Forecast for March 2016

This is a tarot reading to help guide you in business decisions for the month:

Card 1: Overall Theme

Page of Cups

Beginning of a spiritual love. It can be romantic and erotic as well.

Mostly, the focus in this month is giving and receiving messages, words, symbols of unconditional love.
Feminine card, water, flow, soft, gentle, intimate. A lot of sensitivity. Moon, Neptune.

Card 2: Challenges

5 of Swords

This card is about betrayal and someone using unfair advantage over you. I’m getting that it’s good to think about ways to protect your work. But even more so, to not share a project that needs more of your energy + love before it’s ready to be birthed. If something feels vulnerable to you … it might be wiser to only share it with those closest to you that you can completely trust.

This is not a time to be paranoid, rather be discerning about how you are bringing your work into the world.

It’s also good to make sure you are discreet about your friends’ and colleagues’ projects. No matter how exciting something is that they are doing, be sure to ask their permission before sharing anything they may have told you in confidence.

Card 3: Support

King of Wands

The King of Fire is here to bring you added charisma, fresh enthusiasm, confidence and knowledge of how to best promote your work.

He is assuring you that if your heart is pure, success is going to come in and transform your business and life. Meditate on your intentions – feel into your heart. Is what you truly desire in a pure place? And money is sacred to the King of Wands – it’s a needed resource for growth in your livelihood. How can you bring more money and resources to yourself? Who can you ally and partner with?

I believe this King is an auspicious sign that you will get the resources and financial support that you are wishing for this month. Part of the receiving is asking and telling people about what you need. The King of Wands is quite verbal – he has the gift of gab and knows how valuable his work is.

Follow his lead this month and be BOLD! Ask for what you want and tell people what you need.

Card 4: Fears

4 of Pentacles

Money is on your mind this month. And you’re feeling ambivalent and unsure around it. We are getting close to tax season, which is why this card is appearing for us now.

This isn’t the time to be stingy or to overspend and blow your budget. Find the middle ground and you will feel more secure with your financial world.

If you feel clingy around money or other resources, this is a sign of lack consciousness. Work with ways to help yourself feel more expansive and generous. Some people tithe or give money to family or friends, while others might clean out closets, books, furniture etc to donate to charity.

Some have the opposite reaction and can tend to spend every penny until their bank account is empty. I’ve experienced this when feeling lack consciousness – I literally created the physical representation of lack by overspending!

Remember the monthly theme of flow. This is a water year on the West African medicine wheel so the more you let love, money and your gifts flow the more fulfilled you will feel and the more successful you will be.

Card 5: Action

7 of Swords

Again, another card of betrayal and deception. Please do not be paranoid, I know it can be hard when we get messages like this. The more we give into fear the worse we feel.

Think of this as confirmation that if you’ve been worried about someone copying your work or even a colleague you suspect that may be talking behind your back you can expect to be protected.

The actions to take this month are to keep your intentions pure, focused on love and service … and if you feel the instinct to trademark or copyright or protect your work in any way, follow your inner guidance and do it.

Card 6: Outcome

The Sun

A beautiful affirmation of living from the heart and making decisions based on love and abundance, not fear or lack.

The Sun is the law of radiance and as you take steps to come out into the spotlight you will be celebrated and protected.

It’s a great time to begin or launch new projects with fiery passion and enthusiasm.

Take extra time to soak in fresh air and sunlight outside in nature. Focus on your physical vitality this month – it will give you that magical glow of health that will draw new clients, customers and contracts.

Feel grounded and successful. Feel confident.

This month is a brilliant time of success and accomplishment for you!

I go into more detail in my live reading for the month on Blab that was recorded:

Loved this reading? I do one each month. And I can do a personalized reading for you and your business with my latest offering …



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