As of late, we have been blasted with a helluva lot of cosmic energy through the 3 eclipse series that began in July and lead up to the Lions Gate Portal (8-8). Saturday August 11th was the final eclipse in the series and I came down with a horrible flu the very next day.
I purged old sadness, deep grief and past grievances and resentments. A lot of toxic emotions came up for release with the tears. AND, in this process I detoxed from sugar and caffeine as well.
I’m curious to hear how the past 30-45 days has been for you? What physical symptoms did you experience? Leave a comment below AND I will pull a tarot card for you.
During the eclipse series my mystical senses were heightened exponentially and I was on fire intuitively. One day even my beloved was pleasantly surprised when he was about to make an illegal u-turn and I stopped him and said, Don’t do it! You’ll get a ticket!” 5 seconds later a cop car turned the corner right in front of him! Seriously! You can’t make this stuff up!
Connect to your sensuality. INHABIT your body!
Not sure how to do this?
Start with what makes you feel magnetic and alluring. Do these things often.
Practice divine sensuality and sexuality each day, making your body sacred.
This is a time of healing old wounds through pleasure. So, pleasure through the body can draw tears and sadness to the surface. Release them. Honor your feelings and don’t bottle emotions that might be considered negative.
Trust your body and its desires. Break through fears and allow these aspects of yourself to be liberated.
Ground your passion and creative work in the world.
So often, we get trapped by falling in love with what’s in our beautiful mind.
Don’t stop with your incredible mystical visions! If you do, this is a sign that you are in fear or resistance to your life’s purpose. Take action on your visions.
If you have a deep knowing that making something (like art, writing a book, offering a workshop or retreat) will help people, write it all down. Sit with it. Put it on your altar. And then sweat it out to your favorite Dead Can Dance song.
Call your amazing, witchy-priestess friends over to help you infuse magical life into your project. Tell them about your dreams and intentions so they can help you. Let them speak their visions into life too! It’s so powerful to speak your visions aloud to those whom you trust and that can hold the space for you to actually DO IT.
Most importantly, infuse everything you create with your deep LOVE.
For the past 3 months I’ve been obsessed with the Mysteries of Isis, Tantric Mary Magdalen and Ways of the Priestess.
All are examples of the potency of sexuality and sensuality needed to alchemize change in the world within us and all around us.
Gather your magical energy, RAISE it. USE it for the sacred purpose it is meant for.
Would love for you join my nurturing and powerful virtual group, Higher Ground: Practical Magic for Women Entrepreneurs.
You’ll receive online individual support in our 24/7, private Facebook group, weekly mini-tarot readings, bi-weekly masterminds, quarterly writing retreats, all of my online business courses and marketing guides, and a treasure trove of meditations.
Let Higher Ground be your mystical and magical guiding light into the future *you* desire to co-create with Divine Intelligence. It’s a luscious space for savoring the erotic, the sacred and the mystical within you.
Courtesy Note: The monthly fee for the one-to-one mentoring option is increasing from $97/month to $147/month on Friday, August 17th at 11pm PDT. The $97 fee will be honored for current subscribers and anyone who signs up before August 18th.
I have 6 of 10 spots open for my one-to-one mentoring option and would love to be your mermaid-inspired mentor!
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