And I knew that my RAW newsletter needed to go out this morning. I sat up until about 10:30pm writing to you and just stopped. It just felt like it wasn’t the right message. I drifted off to sleep. At around 3AM-ish I woke up and I heard a voice say in my mind, “You are infinitely enough.” It turns out that was the time when the Lunar Eclipse was beginning.
“The Sun is at 16° Scorpio conjunct Mercury at 15° Scorpio, also conjunct Venus at 20° Scorpio. This stellium is opposing the Moon at 16° Taurus, which is part of a stellium involving Uranus, also at 16° Taurus retrograde and a retrograde North Node at 2° no at 13° Taurus, also in retrograde they are both squaring Saturn at 18° Aquarius.” (Beth McDonald Coaching)
It didn’t matter that I had 20 years of experience as a successful corporate marketing director and leader in my space (email marketing). It didn’t matter that I had a Ph.D in hand. It didn’t matter that I had been a yogi, meditator and healer since age 13 and tarot card reader since age 12. (Interesting tidbit: I didn’t start charging for my tarot card readings until this year also!)
Let’s go back even further … 40 years ago at this time (circa 1980).
At 12 a psychic told my mother that I was very psychic and she should buy me tarot cards. She followed this woman’s advice, thank goodness. Thank you Mama 🌹 ❤️. She never made me feel like a weirdo, even when I was a frightened 4 year old child who told her I saw people walking through my bedroom walls all night. I was that kid who saw dead people all the time. Not fun.
At a used book store I was drawn to a worn paperback book that was titled, “Youth, Yoga and Reincarnation.” I read that book over a weekend and then would practice the asanas in it. One of my mom’s friends saw me and said, “she is a natural little yogini!” So, my dad set me up with a dear friend of his to give me private yoga lessons. I think I was 14. The following year was the first time I came across Joseph Campbell; my father’s second wife who is like my second mother showed me the TV series with Campbell and Bill Moyers. I watched those videos over and over; I was mesmerized and hooked.
20 years after that I was attending Pacifica Graduate Institute, which houses the Joseph Campbell Library, in the mythological studies department.
None of those deep, rich experiences and natural wisdom mattered because I felt inadequate, broken, stupid … underneath every milestone moment I felt a deep sense of being not enough. And this has come up again and again over the years.
No matter how great my programs were, or how successful many of my students were, it never felt enough and I was always in fear of failure. Not making enough money, not having enough people on my newsletter. The list can go on and on.
I was sure to become a bag lady with no home, no friends, no love partner.
Five years ago I began in earnest to deeply heal my “not enough” wounds. And it was at that time that I made a sacred vow to myself that I would uplevel little by little. That I would move forward. That I would progress no matter what. Even despite all of my fears and sadness and moments of hopelessness. Along the way were plenty of lessons to test that vow and beautiful friends, family and lovers who supported me along the way.
I’m a woman who:
You have a mission and a message. You have come here to share and serve on a massive level. This is the time we were made for.
I have a few partial scholarships available and want to help as many people as possible at this time of tremendous shift. Get in touch with me asap if you’d like me to reserve a space and partial scholarship for you. Email me at