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Hi, my name is Kris Seraphine, Leading Archetypal Brand Strategist & Channel of the Divine Feminine … and I’m a mermaid.

Not in a literal sense — I don’t have a fishy tail or silvery scales.
But like a powerful mermaid, I live + breathe in the transitional space between two worlds.
The integrity of the land — and the mysteries of the sea.
The world of business, branding + marketing — and the world of mysticism, music + mythology.
As a writer, spiritual teacher, and sought-after guide and coach, I’m interested in that third space —the mer-space — where sexuality + spirituality, marketing + mysticism, cash flow + celestial lore can merge … and make magic.
Intrigued? There’s so much to explore.
Dive in — and dive deep.

My Mission: Revolutionizing how women and men heal themselves through the archetypes of the sacred feminine & masculine.

I’m a channel of the sacred feminine, author, archetypal brand strategist and a business & life coach who inspires creative, magical women to embody their unique feminine essence so they can bring in more prosperity, joy and sensuality into their lives.

Once upon a time, I was a corporate marketing director and lead website developer for some pretty big names, including Citrix Online, E! Entertainment Television, Disney, ABC, Paramount Pictures. I once made my employer $1 million with a single newsletter. (Not bad for a goddess-loving, hippy drummer chick.)

I’m devoted to revolutionizing how women and men heal themselves through the archetypes of the sacred feminine & masculine so that they can shine as their authentic selves with ease and grace.

I’m dedicated to raising my gorgeous, magical 12 year old daughter and revolutionizing the feminine face of business so that women all over the world can shine as their authentic selves with ease and grace.

I’m here to help you turn nose-to-the-grindstone, hard work into play–eradicating burnout and overwhelm. 

My coaching programs, online courses, live retreats and books will inspire you to get turned on and create a life & business filled to the brim with pleasure!

Are you ready to EMBODY pleasure, take up space & occupy your energy? Pleasure will heal your body and soul so you will manifest more abundance and love, AND increase your sales, visibility and influence on your own terms!

Ready to exponentially grow your business in a way that feels grounded, pleasurable and totally like YOU?

You CAN do all of this … and have FUN.

Let’s work together.

I’m here to serve as a teacher + mentor for people who believe that magic is real, that money is sacred, and that building (or reinventing) a business is SWEET.

Whether you’re looking to increase your sales and newsletter sign ups, or bring an imaginative spark back into your marketing content and branding, I’ve got strategies to share … and stories to tell.

Let me help you figure out how to express what you actually do in easy-to-understand and compelling ways, so that you can grow your business and not feel overwhelmed.

Every time you sit down to do your work, I want you to feel mystical, sensual and playful. I want you to be in your element and in your power. Success is an inside job.

Allow me to guide you towards a more pleasurable and profitable business! Let’s get started!

Want to learn how to create a life + business the supernatural way? TAKE THE PLUNGE.

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