A Magical Ritual For the Equinox
This week marked the one year anniversary of going into lockdown throughout most of the U.S. and the world. I know the past year and a half has been less than fun (for most of us) and you’ve had to weather…
This week marked the one year anniversary of going into lockdown throughout most of the U.S. and the world. I know the past year and a half has been less than fun (for most of us) and you’ve had to weather…
Listen to the Subliminal Meditation for the High Priestess each day this week. You can nap, meditate, stretch, or work while listening. I recorded a bunch of bee hives near my home, in Wheeler Gorge, and it is such a…
We reside in a multidimensional universe. We interact with energy and physical matter. The truths of Earth are found in both science and mythology, which are two ways of telling stories. Both are right … btw, I’m not interested in…
This isn’t a topic I normally write about. And I’m not an expert by any means. But animal magic and medicine has been flashing in my face for the past two months. First, I met up with my friend Susan…
Last night I went to the screening of the documentary Sirius, which I think many of you would enjoy. My brother J.D. Seraphine was the producer. I’m so proud of him!! (BTW, he helped raise over $500,000 to make this…
[AWD_likebutton] I was warned by an astrologer. I felt it coming for a few weeks. I was pushing myself too hard and not heeding the advice given: rest, surrender and flow with the changes. And, this segues beautifully into the…
[AWD_likebutton] Just found an old (2003-2004) article on Astrologyzone.com about the discovery of planet Sedna. She is the ocean goddess of the Inuit. Like many other mermaid myths, Sedna’s features violence and pain; her father chops off her fingers as…